Monday, November 14, 2005

What Fools These Mortals Be

In preparation for attending a local theatre production of "The Taming of the Shrew," I ducked into a Barnes & Noble outside Dallas in hopes of finding a paperback version of the play to read on the plane. Helpful saleslady: "You look like you could use some help. Is there something specific you're looking for today?" Me: "I'm looking for 'Taming of the Shrew' by Shakespeare." Saleslady: "OK. Shakespeare has his own corner right over here. Let me show you. Yes. Here it is, 'Taming of the Shrew.' And this is my favorite edition. Look! All the left-hand pages are Shakespeare, and the right-hand pages are an exact English translation!" . . . um, OK. I know I'm living out on the edge of normal with an advanced degree in English literature, but I never realized I was bi-lingual. Apparently, it's true. I speak English and Shakespeare. Sometimes both at the same time. Thou cans't maketh this sh*t up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

!!! I suppose I should try to respond in English but words fail me.

11/14/2005 05:22:00 PM  
Blogger Fran / Blue Gal said...

so you and Second Nature could fight for that one English professorship that comes up in American Academia each year? Wow. And I though we were twins.


Blue Gal

11/15/2005 03:41:00 PM  
Blogger threadingwater said...

It's worse than that, BG. My degree is in English/CREATIVE WRITING. Creative writing as in POETRY, the teaching of which earns me approximately $100 per year. I've never earned more than $1,000 a year as a poet, writing and teaching combined.

But I am bi-lingual. And, I'm keeping the day job.

11/15/2005 04:05:00 PM  

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